Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Love Food? Try a Hunger Challenge?

What's your relationship to food? Do you think about food all the time? Or only when you get hungry? Does it matter what you eat, how it's prepared? Do you have strong dislikes or likes? Do you have food allergies?  Carnivore or vegetarian, vegan?  I believe everyone has a relationship to food. Even someone who can't smell, can't swallow, and their food must be safely delivered by a feeding tube in their stomach has a relationship to food.  What's yours?


  1. My relationship with food changed a lot when I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes at the age of 36. In stead of skipping meals and eating what and when I wanted to, I now have to eat on a fairly regular schedule and monitor carbs, fats, and proteins and try to have some of each in every meal. A bed time snack is advised to make it through the night with out hypoglycemia.If I get hypoglycemic I have to eat even if I don't feel like it. To do this on $7.00 a day would require lots of planning and lots of sacrifices.
    Thank you for sharing your experience!
    Michele Lawson

  2. Wow Michele, that does open up a whole other dimension one one's relationship to food. I was thinking about that too when I was choosing food. What if I were diabetic or had renal problems or food allergies? My daughter developed diabetes when she was just 6 years old. This was back in the day when we had to test urine to see what the blood sugar was like hours before! LOL. As you can imagine we went through a lot together. Today she is a stunningly beautiful 41 year old woman who's average Hgb A1C is 6. I have so much respect for your food awareness Michele. Thanks for sharing xoxo
