Friday, March 25, 2011

Day 4 of Hunger Challenge, meager but tasty eats and a complete breakdown.

Conspicuous consumption. We are blasted by media to eat food that usually is not very good for us. My kids never asked for name brand cereals until my neighbor gave us a TV. (It's okay, Bob Cilman, I would have eventually gotten one anyway). I shouldn't complain; my S.O., love of my life, works in advertising and in an odd roundabout way the sound of "I'm Lovin' It!" helps bring food to our table.

Yesterday Lucy told me I was "A foodie trying to do a Hunger Challenge." Yes. Thanks Lucy, you are right. I've could have gotten more basic I suppose but where's the fun in that?
My calculations for stretching my Ballard Blend coffee have been pretty right on. I have had about 1 and 3/4 c a day with my espresso grind to French press. On my occasional "Detox Diet" I have given up coffee and I had thought about giving it up again but wanted to be more true to who I am during this Challenge. So one cup waking up then 3/4 cup mixed with ice and about a cup of Rice Dream to go for the rest of the day. I'm just really enjoying my coffee.
On making broth out of thin air. I saved the drumstick bones, stashed them in the freezer, along with peelings from broccoli, apple and lemon, and added about 5 c of filtered water. Boiled that down to about 3 c and strained it. 
Day 4 eatings. 1/2 c steel cut oats with 1/4 sliced organic cameo apple ($.41), rice milk. Then ta-da! Soup! Made from broth, 1/2 chopped organic celery stick, ($.12) 1 small chopped organic carrot ($.26), one sliced organic white mushroom ($.24) and chopped tops from organic green onions ($.89, previously mentioned I think!)  Added to soup, 1/4 c organic brown rice ($.52) and the rest of the very tasty organic chicken drumstick meat. Salt and pepper snapped it up. Had a cup of that for lunch, before work even! For dinner I had my leftover black beans which I jazzed up by adding sautéed sliced jalapeno and sliced white ends of the organic green onions. With that my left over organic sweet corn  and my flax/corn chips and Frank's Red Hot sauce.
  I find that stress sometimes brings out mindless eating in me. Mid-shift I was feeling carb-low. Having anticipated this I brought to work my toasted oats 1/2c, a 1/2  banana and  1 tablespoon of honey. Had that in a paper cup with about 3/4 c Rice Dream.
I thought that would do it, but sorry, no. The mind obsessed is a powerful thing. You see, on Day 3 of this great and worthy challenge I began to think about a Dick's vanilla milkshake. I REALLY wanted one. The thing about food is it possesses such power, to satisfy, to nurture, to appeal to all your senses. Visual appeal, smell, taste, sensation. Food is happiness. I had to have that vanilla milkshake! And since I was there at Dick's anyway, one order of fries please. Cost: a big guilty $3.40.

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